Thursday, 31 January 2013

Malaysian Young MILLIONAIRE Reveals Internet Secrets

A young Malaysian millionaire Jason Tan reveals his secrets on how he makes millions on the Internet working only a few hours per week.

For the first time ever Jason Tan is revealing his never before told secrets.

Jasons Only In Malaysia Mah has been rated the number one opportunity by numerous online reviews and has been seen in Entrepreneur Magazine.

You can start making RM100, RM500, even RM1,000+ every day working at home from your computer.

IPTC Beijing is Open for Registration



All registrants are encouraged to book their hotel accommodation as early as possible.
IPTC delegates travelling to China must be in possession of a passport valid for at least six (6) months on arrival, and a visa issued by the appropriate Chinese officials prior to departure from your home country.  
Please click here for more information on Travel & Accommodations>>

IPTC Beijing is Open for Registration Now!

More than 5,000 oil and gas professionals from around the globe are expected to attend IPTC Beijing, to be held 26-28 March 2013 in Beijing, China.

The conference will feature over 700 technical papers to be presented in 70 multi-disciplinary technical sessions and ePoster sessions by authors representing over 302 organisations from 53 countries.

Technical Tracks

·         Integrated Project Management

·         China Focus

·         Geosciences

·         Integrated Reservoir

·         Reservoir Engineering

·         Development and Production

·         Drilling and Completions

·         Overarching Industry Issues

·         Midstream Gas

·         Unconventional Oil & Gas


For more comprehensive information on the technical programme, please click HERE.

The IPTC Beijing will include:

·         A combination of multiple disciplines – petroleum engineering, geophysics and geology for a technical programme focused on upstream and midstream challenges

·         Opening Ceremony, CEO Plenary Session, Executive Plenary Session and Topical Luncheon presentation by top industry leaders

·         International experts will share their views in Four (4) Panel Sessions

·         Special Events: IPTC "Excellence in Project Integration" Award, Education Week and Young Professionals Workshop

·         A cutting-edge technical exhibition spanning more than 2,600 sqm


Register Now


Download Conference Preview


Training Courses

In conjunction with the conference, there will be six (6) Training Courses offered by American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE), Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) and Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE).

Find out more>>

Log on to for more information or follow / like us at:



IPTC Asia Pacific - c/o SPE – Asia Pacific (M) Sdn. Bhd. Suite 23-02, Level 23,Centrepoint South, Mid Valley City,
Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +60.3.2182.3000 Fax: +60.3.2182.3030 Email:

IPTC Middle East - c/o SPE Middle East, North Africa & India, Fortune Towers, 31st Floor, Offices 3101/2
JLT Area, P. O. Box 215959, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971.4.457.5800 Fax: +971.4.457.3164 Email:

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Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Nomination Deadline Approaching - 2013 SPE Awards


SPE Awards

Don't miss your chance to nominate a colleague for a 2013 SPE Award.

Do you know someone who deserves recognition for his or her contributions to the upstream oil and gas industry?

SPE awards are presented at both the international and regional levels for recognition of

·         Technical contributions

·         Professional excellence

·         Career achievement

·         Service to colleagues

·         Outstanding industry leadership

·         Public service

Nominate a colleague today for an SPE Award.
International Award Deadline: 15 February
Regional Award Deadline: 15 March


Find a complete list of awards, nominating criteria, nomination forms, and additional resources online at

International award questions?

Regional award questions?

Learn more

·         International Award Winners

·         Regional Award Winners


SPE members receive periodic emails on programs related to their discipline or because they have opted to receive information on specific programs or meetings.



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SPE Privacy Policy

Society of Petroleum Engineers
222 Palisades Creek Drive, Richardson, Texas, USA  75080-2040


14 OTC Asia - Call For Papers!


Formation Damage Control Symposium

(Submission deadline: 5 June 2013)

We invite you to share your knowledge and experience with other offshore energy professionals at the inaugural 2014 Offshore Technology Conference Asia. Organised by 13 industry societies, this conference in Asia's oil and gas hub offers the opportunity for professionals to meet, share knowledge, and discover cutting-edge technologies.

OTC Asia is a must-attend event, offering a peer-selected technical programme which focuses on the full spectrum of offshore technologies in drilling, exploration, production, and environmental protection. The conference theme is "Meeting the Challenges for Asia's Growth".

The theme of the conference is "Meeting the Challenges for Asia's Growth".

The Programme Committee seeks paper proposal submissions on a wide and diverse range of topics including:


·         Acoustic Communication with AUVs and ROVs

·         Asset Integrity Design/Management

·         Autonomous Vehicles for Offshore Exploration

·         Basement Plays

·         Cross-border Management/Agreement

·         Decommissioning

·         Deepwater Dry Tree System

·         Developing Highly Compartmentalised Fields

·         Estuary Drilling

·         Floating Systems

·         Offshore Governance & Regulations

·         Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities Security

·         Offshore Oil and Gas Platform Cyber Security

·         Offshore Pipelines/Umbilicals

·         Operating in the Monsoon Season

·         Production Sharing and Handling Contracts

·         Project Management and Economics

·         Public Policy and Regulatory Issues

Find out the complete list of "Areas of Interest" at the OTC Asia website


 The abstract submission deadline is 5 June 2013.


Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities

With an array of unique promotional opportunities before, during and after OTC Asia, we can help you design the perfect programme to enhance your company's experience. The OTC Asia Corporate Advance Programme exposes attendees and business to your company and promotes your presence to the offshore community.

Download Brochure >>

For further information on Exhibit and Sponsorship Opportunities,
Please contact:

Nick Chantrell
Sales Manager, Asia Pacific
T: +60.3.2182.3145

Keep in Touch 


 For more information, please visit or contact Offshore Technology Conference Asia at Tel. 60.3.2182.3000; Fax. 60.3.2182.3030; E-mail.

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Your monthly update from SPE Asia Pacific


Society of Petroleum Engineers | Asia Pacific


IPTC Beijing: Last Call for Early Bird Registration!


The Early Bird Registration deadline is only 6 days away! The IPTC Beijing will be hosted by China's largest oil and gas producer, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and co-hosted by the world's largest non-governmental producer of oil and natural gas, Exxon Mobil Corporation, from 26 – 28 March 2013 at the Beijing International Convention Center (BICC) in Beijing, China. To enjoy the early bird rate, please register before 28 January 2013.

Register Today


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Not an SPE member? Join now.

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Upcoming Events Near You

SPE events bring together some of the brightest minds in the E&P industry to exchange ideas, network, and discover new technologies. From conferences to workshops, and forums to training courses, there is an SPE event happening near you!


·         International Petroleum Technology Conference
26-28 Mar | Beijing, China

·         SPE Enhanced Oil Recovery Conference
2-4 Jul | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

·         Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition
22-24 Oct | Jakarta, Indonesia

·         See a complete list of events >>


·         Carbon Capture and Storage 
3-6 Feb | Penang, Malaysia

·         Control of Major Accident Hazards
17-20 Feb | Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei

·         Subsea Well Intervention 
24-27 Feb | Bangkok, Thailand

·         See a complete list of workshops >>

Training Courses

·         Cementing under Extreme Condition of HPHT Wells
18-19 Feb | Bangkok, Thailand

·         Introduction to Hydraulic Fracturing
2-3 Mar | Adelaide, Australia

·         IPTC - Beijing, Training Courses
25 Mar | Beijing, China

·         See a complete list of courses >>


13 URCE Call for Papers Deadline Extended to 15 February 2013!

Opportunities are still available to present! The Call for Papers deadline has been extended to Friday, 15 February 2013 for the 2013 Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition - Asia Pacific, taking place at Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre from 11-13 November 2013. 


Submit your proposal now >>


14 OTC Asia - Call for Papers

We invite you to share your knowledge and experience with other offshore energy professionals at the inaugural 2014 Offshore Technology Conference Asia. Organised by 13 industry societies, this conference in Asia's oil and gas hub offers the opportunity for professionals to meet, share knowledge, and discover cutting-edge technologies.


The theme of the conference is "Meeting the Challenges for Asia's Growth".


Submit your proposal now>>


We're Moving!


Effective 4 February 2013 the SPE Asia Pacific office will be located at:


Level 35, The Garden South Tower,

Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra

59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Our Telephone and Fax numbers will remain the same:


T: 60.3.2182.3000

F: 60.3.2182.3030




SPE Regional and International Awards

Recognize a colleague for his or her contributions to the upstream oil and gas industry.


·         Nomination deadlines:

·         International Awards—15 February 2013

·         Regional Awards—15 March 2013


Nominate a colleague today!



Society of Petroleum Engineers
Asia Pacific Office
Suite 23-02, Level 23, Centrepoint South
Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra
59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Privacy Policy





Monday, 21 January 2013

SPE Asia Pacific is Moving


SPE Asia Pacific is growing and expanding to serve you better!

Effective from 4 February 2013, SPE Asia Pacific office will be located at:

Level 35, The Gardens South Tower
Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra
59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Our telephone and fax numbers will remain the same:

T: 60.3.2182.3000
F: 60.3.2182.3030

Find us here:  

Society of Petroleum Engineers - 222 Palisades Creek Drive; Richardson, Texas, USA 75080-2040

SPE Privacy Policy

SPE members receive periodic emails on meetings related to their discipline or because they have opted to receive information on specific meetings or programs. Non-members have received this email because they opted to receive information on this meeting or topic area.


To unsubscribe: Send an email message to with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. Please also include your name and member number (if applicable) in the text.


Friday, 18 January 2013

Petronas makes first local oil find in 24 years

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18 — Petronas today announced the discovery of oil and gas via the Adong Kecil West-1 well in Block SK333, onshore Sarawak — the first onshore oil and gas discovery made in Malaysia after 24 years.

The state oil firm said the last onshore discovery was Asam Paya Field in 1989, also in Sarawak.

Petronas said the Adong Kecil West-1 well, located about 20km northeast of Miri town, was drilled by JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration (Onshore Sarawak) Ltd, the operator for Block SK333, together with its joint-venture partner Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd.

It said the well was drilled to a depth of 3,170m and encountered a total of about 349m of net hydrocarbon thickness.

The two drill-stem tests achieved flow rates of about 440 barrels of crude oil per day and 11.5 million standard cubic feet of gas per day, it said in a statement today.

Petronas said technical assessments are currently being undertaken by the operator to determine the resource volume of the field.

"Based on the drilling results, there are also indications that the deeper sections in the onshore area may hold additional upside potential for hydrocarbon accumulation.

"However, with the higher borehole pressures expected, drilling operations will be more challenging for the deeper reservoirs and rigs with higher specifications will be required to test such intervals," said Petronas.

To date, three discoveries have been found onshore Sarawak, namely the Miri, Asam Paya and Adong Kecil West fields.

With these discoveries, Petronas said it is proven that onshore Sarawak has the potential for more oil and gas accumulations where the Miri Field, Malaysia's first oilfield was discovered way back in 1910.

Further onshore exploration activities will be undertaken by the joint venture to support Petronas's effort to rejuvenate the nation's onshore oil and gas exploration. — Bernama

Thursday, 17 January 2013

SPE Applied Technology Workshop (ATW): Subsea Well Intervention




"Subsea Well Intervention"

24 – 27 February 2013 • Bangkok, Thailand


The number of global subsea wells is increasing at an annual rate. With this increasing growth, comes the growing need for interventions in these well. This Workshop will provide an opportunity for operators, service companies, international experts and other organisations to understand the latest application in the subsea well intervention, current challenges and future technology needs and resources. Topics  expected to be covered are:

  • Challenges operators face in planning and quantifying intervention requirements.
  • Review of relevant technologies.
  • Subsea well control and maintenance.
  • Methods for selection of optimum solutions.
  • Interaction between different disciplines.
  • Define future technologies needs and opportunities.

The Workshop will attract experienced individuals who will share their own case histories and experience and actively contribute to the discussion especially experts who are involved in hydrocarbon development, drilling, well intervention, production, facilities and operations.



Class size is limited. Register now to save and guarantee your seat. For more information about the workshop, please download the brochure below.


Find us here:


Please visit the SPE website at For further information, contact Suba Jaganathan, SPE Event Coordinator at SPE Asia Pacific Office at
Tel: +60.3.2182.3000 E-mail:

SPE members receive periodic emails on meetings related to their discipline or because they have opted to receive information on specific meetings or programs. Non-members have received this email because they opted to receive information on this meeting or topic area.
Send an email message to, with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. Please also include your name and member number (if applicable) in the text.
SPE Privacy Policy
Society of Petroleum Engineers
222 Palisades Creek Drive, Richardson, Texas, U.S.A. 75080-2040


Wednesday, 16 January 2013


Service Over View

Non Destructive Testing is integral to both pre-, and in-services plant life assessment tasks, onshore & offshore installation and assuring the integrity of equipment and fabrication to clients, regulatory and insurance bodies alike.
ASJ Power Sdn Bhd have provide in frontline NDT activities across all industry sectors such as ship building, oil & gas and construction, planning and managing shutdown or ‘turn around’ activities and consultancy on appropriate techniques.
Integrity ASJ Power Sdn Bhd staff have a wealth of experience to complement a suite of independent inspection qualification conforming a suite of independent inspection qualification conforming to standards in a major NDT methods including Eddy Current, Magnetics Particle Inspection, Liquid Penetrate Inspection, Radiography, Ultrasonic Inspection, Weld Inspection.
  • Radiography Testing (RT)
  • Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI)
  • Dye Penetrant Testing (DPT)
  • Ultrasonic Flaw Detection (UT)
  • Hardness Testing
  • Advance NDT Method

  • Onshore and Offshore Minor Fabrication – Pipe spool, structural steel, cargo handling equipments, blasting and painting, equipment installation, piping and structural steel erection and offshore hook-up and commissioning support.
  • reactor & heat exchanger replacement and upgrading and modification of piping.
  • Maintenance and Repair Activities – fire water column, turbine, waste heat recovery system, launcher and receiver repair, etc.
  • Hydro Testing pipe spools and other testing required prior to installation.
  • Manpower supply of skilled and professional personnel for onshore and offshore installation.
  • Consultancy and prepare on Welding Procedure Specification and Welding Qualification Testing.
  • As-built drawing and detail design for engineering drawing.
  • Final Documentation and Document Control System.
  • Consultancy and prepare Fabrication Standard Procedures and Project Specific Procedures.

Alam Maritim shares sees active trade with RM576m Petronas Carigali contract

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 16 – Alam Maritim Resources Bhd's shares were actively traded in the morning session following the awarding of a RM576 million worth Petronas Carigali contract to its wholly-owned unit, Alam Maritim (M) Sdn Bhd.

The company announced the awarding of the contract yesterday.

At 11 am, the share rose four sen or 4.68 per cent to 89.5 sen with 25.6 million shares traded.

Kenanga Research said the contract for the provision of six units of marine vessels for five years with a one-year extension option, was projected to yield a net profit of RM84.6 million based on a margin of 15 per cent.

However, Kenanga Research kept Alam Maritim's earning estimates unchanged as the research house has already assumed higher utilisation rates of 80 per cent and 83 per cent for the company's offshore support vessel (OSV) segment in the financial year 2013 and financial year 2014 respectively.

Meanwhile, OSK Research viewed the contract as "positive", saying that the average rates of contracts secured had improved by 15-20 per cent compared to the previous year.

Nevertheless, it said Alam Maritim's key risk was on the lack of contracts for the offshore, installation and construction (OIC) and subsea division, which will run out of jobs in April.

"As the losses are estimated at RM3 million-RM4 million per month (assuming if there are no jobs), the losses will offset the earnings growth from its OSV business."

Kenanga Research maintained the "outperformed" view on Alam Maritim with a higher target price of RM1.09 from 92 sen previously while OSK Research also kept its "buy" call on the company and retained the target price at RM1.25. – Bernama