Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Nomination Deadline Approaching - 2013 SPE Awards


SPE Awards

Don't miss your chance to nominate a colleague for a 2013 SPE Award.

Do you know someone who deserves recognition for his or her contributions to the upstream oil and gas industry?

SPE awards are presented at both the international and regional levels for recognition of

·         Technical contributions

·         Professional excellence

·         Career achievement

·         Service to colleagues

·         Outstanding industry leadership

·         Public service

Nominate a colleague today for an SPE Award.
International Award Deadline: 15 February
Regional Award Deadline: 15 March


Find a complete list of awards, nominating criteria, nomination forms, and additional resources online at www.spe.org/awards.

International award questions?

Regional award questions?
Email regionalawards@spe.org

Learn more

·         International Award Winners

·         Regional Award Winners


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Society of Petroleum Engineers
222 Palisades Creek Drive, Richardson, Texas, USA  75080-2040